career counseling


Career counseling provided by universities

Career counseling is a method in which students are provided information about their career. It has been observed that most of the universities in Pakistan do not provide career counseling to their students who search for jobs to make decisions about their future career. Career counseling not only facilitates the students in the selection of their career but also to develop their values, changes their lifestyle and helps the students who are deprived from their career.

There are a number of tasks and problems faced by the students in choosing their career. A few of the major issues that are faced by the students, lack of interest in subjects, lack of self-awareness, motivation to learn and lack of career information. Universities should provide services to students who have yet to decide about their career.

Services of career counseling

Career services in colleges provide students with guidance for their future, typically through a dedicated office or center. This can be anything from career counseling to helping you find an actual job. Career services will help you through the step by step of sorting out your career.

Choice of the right profession is one of the most important and life changing decisions in a student's life. In case it isn’t taken serious enough, it may result in a life time regret, bothering and anxiety. However, proper guidance by an expert instructive counselor at this stage, leads a student to the way to progress.

Issues of career counseling 



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